Thursday, November 17, 2011

My boys!

I love being a mom! Every day both of my boys give me new reasons to be grateful for this wonderful calling that I have been given. Samson is getting to be so big now. We just went to the doctor yesturday for his 4 month checkup and he is in the 93rd percentile for his height and a whopping 16 pounds. He can stand in his exersaucer and he loves his tummy time. He still pukes all of the time but at least he does it with a smile. He loves to smile and he has the cutest laugh when you tickle him or if you moan at him. Benjamin is growing up so fast. He runs everywhere and gets into everything. He has been sleeping in a toddler bed for about a month now and he loves it. He is starting to put words together and he LOVES movies. He asks to watch a movie at least 20 times a day. I usually give in and let him watch one a day. He is so smart and he knows how to get what he wants. His new tactic is to say what he wants and then we usually repeat it and he says "ok" and makes it sound like it was our idea and he is agreeing with it. He is so sneaky. He also loves to be the center of attention and he does so many crazy cute things throughout the day that make me burst out laughing. We have so many awesome home videos that I'm sure will keep us entertained for forever. I feel so blessed because both of my children are just so happy and social, most of the time. Benjamin is really good at temper tantrums when he wants to be. Here are some pictures that I took over the last month.
watching a movie
My little artist. Kelton would be proud of some of this kids drawings.

Reading an instruction manual by using his finger to follow the words.

awww. Benjamin loves his little brother

it was snowing, not that you can tell. But he was bundled and ready.
playing piano
blow drying hair, just like mommy.
This is Benjamin's favorite game to play with Samson. Cover him one by one with all of his toys. Of course, this has to be supervised to avoid suffocation.
happy boy


For Halloween this year we had a lot of good family fun. We went to gardner village to see the witch festival. The kids loved it, for the most part. It think some of the witches were scary cuz all of the older kids cried at one point. Afterwards we went home and had pizza and watched the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For trick or treating we went to the mall and took the kids to stores to get candy. Benjamin was such a good sport, I think we made it to all of the stores in the mall. He wouldn't say trick or treat because he usually had a sucker in his mouth but he would hold up his bucket for candy. I think he probably had like 4 suckers before we even left the mall, which is a big deal because he never gets candy. He loves loves loves monkeys so when he saw this costume in target he had to have it. Here are some pictures.

The banana wasn't planned or intentional he was just hungry and I happened to have one in the diaper bag. It sure looks cute though.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So Trev and I decided that we are going to embrace a healthier lifestyle through a diet and exercise regiment. The exercise program of choice: p90x. It is an insane workout (I did it for about 2 weeks to see if I really wanted to commit to it). I felt so good during those 2 weeks and the workouts are really incredible. We also decided to commit to a healthier diet. The reason for this wasn't necessarily weight loss (although I'm sure that will be a nice side effect), it was to start a healthier lifestyle. I plan to track my progress on the blog however, I will not be posting before and after photos because let's face it no one wants to see them and I am far too self conscious to show them. Hopefully this all goes well because I know if I can establish these good habits, life will be better.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Having a toddler is the best!

I know that most people will probably think I'm crazy for saying this, especially if they have ever seen my son throw a temper tantrum, but I really do love this stage. It can be really hard, in fact it's probably hard most of the time, but there are so many moments that make it all worth it. I love watching Benjamin learn and interact with everyone. I love it when he gives me kisses and when he comes into my room and says mommy in the sweetest voice ever! His new favorite word is "amen" and he just learned how to fold his arms when we say prayers. He can point to pictures of Jesus and say "Chee Chee." It really is the most precious thing to see him grow. He has so many faces and when he is happy, it's uncontrollable. He can be difficult and he whines and clings a lot, but it's worth it to get the good stuff. These first pictures are some that I took of him when we went to the apple orchard with Grandma Kelly, Tristan and Patton. He LOVED the apples.

Bath Time
My little helper. (He is obsessed with the hose)

Messy Boy