Monday, April 11, 2011

Benjamin turned 1!

My little baby boy turned one last week on Wednesday April 6. This blog will probably be pretty long because I want to document this time for the future, since I have an awful memory. We had a little family party for him on his birthday with Hayley, Garret and the twins and Tristin, Brantley, Trent (Brantley's brother) and Patton. We also drove down this last weekend and had another little party for him with my family. I was trying to spoil him all day but he has had an ear infection so he was in a bad mood and ended up going to bed before everyone left the party. Trevor made homemade pumpkin pot pies and I made mini chocolate lava cakes for everybody. We figured it was probably the only year that we could get away with eating whatever we wanted on his birthday. I can't believe that he is one already. It really seems like yesterday when he was just so little and could barely lift his head up. He was so dependent on me for everything (he still is but now it's for entertainment purposes). He crawls all over the place and he is really close to walking. He has such a big personality and so much energy all the time. When he wakes up in the morning he spends a few minutes talking to himself in his crib (sometimes it's really loud and sometimes he whispers it's so cute) When he gets bored he usually pulls himself up and is just standing there in his crib talking to me until I wake up and get him. He does so many cute things all the time. I love when he spins in circles on his bum and when he shrugs his shoulders. He will eat anything we feed him (even green beans and peas yuck!) The older he gets the more I think he looks like my husband and the sweeter he gets. He loves to give kisses and hugs and when he isn't feeling good he will cuddle with me. I do think that he is going to be a biter though so we will have to work on that. I love him so much and I can't wait to continue to watch him grow up and I can't wait to see him with his baby brother. Here are some pictures from both birthday parties.

He was so excited to get elmo. He saw it in the store a few weeks ago and was playing with it. He was so upset when we took it away so now he has one of his own.

His first birthday cake
This is the best picture I could get of his shirt, he wouldn't hold still