Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Gentle Giant

I realize that most of my posts center around Benjamin and I almost never talk about Samson so this post is all about him. He is the sweetest little boy in the whole world. He smiles all the time (as long as someone is around) He loves people and hates being left out or left alone. He is now 7 months old and weighs a whopping 20 lbs. Surprisingly though, because he is so tall he is really skinny (just dense i guess is the word). Since Benjamin only weighs 25 lbs I'm sure that Samson will be able to beat up on him really soon. He his a great eater and he can roll both ways like a pro. He can also pretty much sit on his own now and he can hold his own bottle (yay!) He is really strong and he loves to grunt. His favorite toys are his taggie blanket, the foam letter from the bathtub, an angry birds key chain, and a little ball that looks like a cat toy. He also loves his doorway bouncer and his saucer. Recently he has become infatuated with his big brother and he laughs at everything he does. He loves when Benjamin reads to him. He is my little blonde haired, blue eyed angel and I love him to pieces.

Samson Scott

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!

This post is really late but the last few months have been pretty busy so I'm just now getting around to posting about christmas. This year was really fun for us because Benjamin was a little older and appreciated it a lot more than last year. If you can't tell by the pictures, he LOVED christmas, he was so happy the whole time. This year we hung out with Trev's family and participated in a bunch of holiday festivities the week before Christmas. We went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert (amazing!), we went to the Festival of Trees, we made treats and spent some quality family time together. The night before we left for Vegas, we opened gifts with Grandma Kelly and Grandma Joyce, we loved our gifts and the time we got to spend together. The day before Christmas, we packed up the car and drove to Vegas to visit my family. We dressed up the boys in the outfits given to them by Great Grandma and Grandpa Taylor, opened presents Christmas Eve and had a wonderfully uplifting sacrament meeting on Christmas morning. (that is, until Samson exploded all over his clothes and we spent 15 minutes in the bathroom getting him cleaned up). Benjamin loved all of his presents but he does have a few favorites that he plays with every day. He doesn't go anywhere without his Elmo, Big Bird, and Cookie Monster stuffed animals that grandma Kelly bought for him (he even sleeps with them). He also LOVES his dinosaurs and his cars that Grandma and Grandpa Taylor gave to him. Trev and I bought him a Mr. Potato Head (his newest obsession) and a magnetic doodle board. Samson also got a bunch of cool presents (which his brother has been so nice to break in for him). He got a toy electronic train (Gma Kelly), a moving turtle (Gma and Gpa Taylor) and a taggie blanket (us). He also got some new pj's (Great grandma and grandpa Varney). Oh and Benjamin got an awesome book that he loves from great grandma and grandpa too! We really have been so blessed and I loved watching the kids enjoy Christmas. I can't wait for next year.

That's Samson's toy that Benjamin was happy to take off of his hands.
toy cars

Uncle Kelton wanted a picture with all of the cousins, it didn't workout very well, but it's a funny picture.
Happy Boy
DVD player for the car, Thanks Grandma Kelly!