Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So Trev and I decided that we are going to embrace a healthier lifestyle through a diet and exercise regiment. The exercise program of choice: p90x. It is an insane workout (I did it for about 2 weeks to see if I really wanted to commit to it). I felt so good during those 2 weeks and the workouts are really incredible. We also decided to commit to a healthier diet. The reason for this wasn't necessarily weight loss (although I'm sure that will be a nice side effect), it was to start a healthier lifestyle. I plan to track my progress on the blog however, I will not be posting before and after photos because let's face it no one wants to see them and I am far too self conscious to show them. Hopefully this all goes well because I know if I can establish these good habits, life will be better.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Having a toddler is the best!

I know that most people will probably think I'm crazy for saying this, especially if they have ever seen my son throw a temper tantrum, but I really do love this stage. It can be really hard, in fact it's probably hard most of the time, but there are so many moments that make it all worth it. I love watching Benjamin learn and interact with everyone. I love it when he gives me kisses and when he comes into my room and says mommy in the sweetest voice ever! His new favorite word is "amen" and he just learned how to fold his arms when we say prayers. He can point to pictures of Jesus and say "Chee Chee." It really is the most precious thing to see him grow. He has so many faces and when he is happy, it's uncontrollable. He can be difficult and he whines and clings a lot, but it's worth it to get the good stuff. These first pictures are some that I took of him when we went to the apple orchard with Grandma Kelly, Tristan and Patton. He LOVED the apples.

Bath Time
My little helper. (He is obsessed with the hose)

Messy Boy

University of Michigan Fans are forever!

Ok so I was born in Michigan and my parents both grew up there. My dad has been a U of M fan for as long as I can remember. When my grandma varney went back to Michigan this summer she brought back a bunch of U of M outfits for the boys. She also brought back some Ferris State outfits (the college my parents graduated from). It made my dad really happy to see the boys decked out in U of M gear so we decided to take some pictures of them in all the blue and gold glory.

Samson's Baby Blessing

We blessed Samson Labor Day weekend. He had the cutest little outfit that my mom bought for him and Kelly was so wonderful to host the get together at her house and cook all of the food for it. Oh I do have to mention that Trev cut and peeled all of the apples for the apple pie, which was no easy task since they were mini apples that we brought home from the orchard. I am so grateful to all of the people that were able to come to the blessing. This is the list as far as I remember it: Grandma Kelly, Grandma and Grandpa Taylor, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Kathryn, Great Grandma and Grandpa Varney, Great Grandma Mary, Aunt Tristan and Uncle Brantley, Aunt Hayley and Uncle Garrett, Tara, Jaime, Lindsay, My friend Chelsea, and of course all of the babies. If I left anyone out I apologize deeply. I am so grateful to everyone that was able to come and share this special day with us. I feel so grateful that we are able to bless our children, it truly is such a wonderful part of the church. These are some pictures I took of him in his cute little outfit. I also threw in some random pictures of him because I don't really have anywhere else to put them.

Family Pictures Continued

My wonderful sister in law was so nice to take some time out of her extremely busy schedule to take some pictures of our family. I already posted a few in the previous post, but these are just a few more. I love both of my boys so much and taking pictures of them was really fun, especially Benjamin. Samson is now 2 1/2 months old and a whopping 13 1/2 pounds and Benjamin is 17 months old. (only one more month and he is actually old enough to go to nursery.) He has been going for about 2 months because Kelly is a nursery teacher. It only took 16 months, but he is finally walking. He pretty much walks everywhere he goes, but sometimes he gets tired and reverts back to crawling. He is so smart too. He knows all of the animals and their noises and he knows a bunch of other words too. He loves to color and probably spends about 80% of the time he is awake reading his books. He has read some of them so many times that the binding is breaking. He is so entertaining all day long and I'm never bored with him around. Today Trev and I were doing p90x in the living room and he came in and started doing the workouts with us, it was so cute I wish I had filmed it. Samson is such a good baby. He is pretty much sleeping through the night and he is so content all of the time. I love kissing his soft cheeks and I love to make him smile. All three of the boys in my life are so wonderful. I love them so much and I'm grateful for them every day.